6 tips to help with morning sickness

It’s common for some women to complain of vomiting and feelings of nausea in the mornings during pregnancy, though the intensity varies from person to person. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes morning sickness, but believe that it has to do with the high levels of hormones produced during pregnancy.
There are several ways to deal with morning sickness, including:
Eating 5-6 small meals per day, and making sure to eat something carbohydrate-based in the morning such as whole-grain bread.
Adding more lemon to one’s diet such as lemon juice ice cubes, inhaling lemon and simply adding squeezed lemon juice to a cup of water.
Ginger infusion – Boil around five slices of fresh ginger with some water for approximately 20 minutes, cool it off and drink. It’s recommended to drink at least three glasses over the course of the day, and it’s easy to make a large quantity in the morning.
Massage to open up one’s chest cavity – massaging the shoulders and integrating breathing exercises can lead to a significant lessening of discomfort, as the chest area is known to put pressure on one’s abdomen sometimes.
Resting and reducing stress – This is the time to spoil yourself and ease up on your daily routine and make use of medicinal herbs, Bach Flower Remedies and touch therapy to deal with stress.
Physical activity – Keep on doing the same physical activity you were doing before the pregnancy, as long as your doctor approves it. If you haven’t been doing any physical activity it’s recommended to walk, swim or do pregnancy-specific Pilates.
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